Full Depth Reclamation

Introduction to Full Depth Reclamation


Full Depth Reclamation offers many benefits over traditional full depth reconstruction:

  • 40:1 reduction in hauling due to reuse of materials
  • The crown and cross slope can easily be reshaped, and damage from freeze-thaw cycles can be reduced.
  • This process also helps eliminate reflective cracking, potholes, bumps, rutting and enhances the structural value of the road.
  • Increased ride quality, skid resistance restored
  • Brings uniformity to base material

Why Reclamation?
Your Greatest Resource is the Pavement & Base You've Already Paid For.

Full Depth Reclamation Process Overview

Full Depth Reclamation is a solution on:

Rural Roads

Residential Roads



Full Depth Reclamation is a solution for pavement defects such as:

Structural Capacity

Subgrade Instability



Typical Pavement defects treated by Full Depth Reclamation

Our Full Depth Reclamation Projects

Bethel Township, Berks County, PA
Wyomissing Borough, Berks County, PA
Visit RoadResource.Org to learn how to optimize your roadway investment!


The Pavement Preservation and Recycling Alliance (PPRA) seeks to help agencies at the state, county, and local level to make the right choices for their road networks & become the best possible stewards of taxpayer dollars. 

Visit RoadResource.Org to learn more about all types of roadway treatments! 

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